Make it yourself icon theme : from Sardi Flat Colora to Sardi Flat Santa Claus

In the Sardi Flat Orange folder you will find a script to change all orange colored icons to any colour you want. The standard new colour is a blue colour.

EDIT: Sardi Flat Orange has been renamed to Sardi Flat Colora to point out that this icon set can change its colours via a script.

We use inkscape to test what colour combinations we like and copy/paste the 5 codes into the script and run it. This time we do not have to be creative. We just need to double-click a script!

We end up making a new icon theme with the name Sardi Flat Santa Claus (the colours gave it away).

16 million colour choices


Sardi Flat Santa Claus


Sardi Santa Claus


Sardi Mono Santa Claus


Sardi Flexible Santa Claus


 Sardi Flexible Santa Claus

I took the old colour orange instead of the new colour red but the result is not that bad.


This is what I was going for.


Sardi Ghost Flexible Santa Claus


Content of tutorial

  • find the script in sardi flat orange
  • running the available script
  • copy/paste of Sardi Flat Orange
  • rename folder – Santa Claus
  • run script
  • select new icon set – Sardi Flat Santa Claus
  • the making of Sardi Santa Claus
  • the making of Sardi Mono Santa Claus
  • the making of Sardi Flexible Santa Claus
  • going one step further with the Sardi Flexible script and changing that