Make it yourself icon theme : from Sardi Mono Numix Colora to Sardi Mono Numix Colora Polo

In the Sardi Mono Numix Colora folder you will find a script to change all colored icons to any colour you want.

Last time we used inkscape to test what colour combinations we like and copy/paste the codes into the script and run it.

THIS TIME we will sample the colours from a wallpaper we like and make the icons accordingly.

This is our wallpaper.


We end up making a new icon theme.

16 million colour choices


Sardi Mono Numix Colora Polo



Content of tutorial

  • getting the latest sardi icons from github
  • running a script to get all icons in the hidden folder .icons
  • goal : make a new colouring script
  • we will base ourselves on a wallpaper we like
  • copy/pasting to have the originals
  • gpick will sample the colour – press spacebar
  • icons have top, body, icon and paper
  • so four colours – but paper is white and I like to keep it the same
  • copy/paste in order to have an original folder
  • copy/paste the script and rename it
  • OLD colours – never change them
  • colours are in gpick
  • copy/paste the hexadecimal codes to your script
  • DELETE THE  “#”
  • naming of the presets I use gpick
  • changing the name of the directory
  • changing the theme inside the index.theme