How to personalize the Sardi icon theme an overview

1. Use the scripts from Sardi

You can use the Sardi scripts that are available in the folders to change them of colour.

Flexibility is one of the objectives in Sardi.

Sardi Flexible is a great example. This is just one icon theme but we changed the colour depending on the wallpaper.

All the tutorials on these scripts will be gathered here.


2. Use elements of Sardi

We can use elements of Sardi to make a new Sardi icon theme.

Modularity is one of the objectives of the Sardi icons.

Sardi Flat Arc is just one example.

All the tutorials will be gathered here.



3. Use elements of other icon themes

We can use elements of Sardi and elements of another icon theme(s) and mix them together.

Modularity is one of the objectives in Sardi icons. It can extend to other icon themes as well.

Sardi Mono Papirus Dark is just one example.

All the tutorials will be gathered here.
